Tenax Sorbent Tube

Tenax® TA is a traditional sorbent (porous polymer) for trapping medium to high boiling compounds; it is especially useful for low concentrations because of its low background. Tenax TA is hydrophobic and is suitable for use in EPA Method TO-17 or IP-1B and other thermal desorption applications.

Tenax® GR is a Tenax/graphite composite which extends the range of Tenax to lower boiling compounds. It retains the ability of Tenax to be cleaned easily to a very low background and is widely used in thermal desorption applications.

Tenax Tubes

        Tenax Tubes

To select a tube for a specific compound refer to the SKC Sampling Guides or use our SKC online Hazard Database


Tenax TA Sorbent Tubes

Size (mm)
Sections Sorbent
Ends Tube
Separators Pack
Part Number
PUF/Tenax TA/PUF 22 x 100  3 3 cm/750 mg/3 cm GO  P    WWW Each 226-124
Tenax TA 8 x 110  2 100/50 GS  B    WWW 10 226-35031
Tenax TA 8 x 110  2 100/50 GS  B    WWW 50 226-35-03
Tenax TA 6 x 70  2 20/10 GO  A    WWW 50 226-35-01
Tenax TA 6 x 70  2 30/15 GS  A    FWW 50 226-35
Tenax TA (purged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 250 GO  B    WW Each 226-360 ‡   §  
Tenax TA (unpurged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 250 GO  B    WW Each 226-360-UP ‡   §  
Tenax TA (purged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 250 SS  B    SWWS Each 226-357 ‡   §  
Tenax TA (unpurged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 250 SS  B    SWWS Each 226-357-UP ‡   §  
Tenax TA (purged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 100 SS  B    SSW Each 226-340 ‡  
Tenax TA (unpurged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 100 SS  B    SSW Each 226-340-UP ‡  
Tenax TA (purged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 100 GO  B    WW Each 226-339 ‡  
Tenax TA (unpurged) ¼ x 3½ in  1 100 GO  B    WW Each 226-339-UP ‡  
Tenax TA 16 x 125  1 1.6 gm GO  –  WW Each 226-134
Tenax TA/Glass Fibre Filter (OVS) 13 to 8 x 75  2 140/70 GO  V    FFGT 10 226-56

Table Notes:

*  Limited shelf-life; contact SKC for more information
‡  Tubes are chemically conditioned before shipping; use within 6 months or recondition. Restocking fee applies.
§  Each tube has a flow direction arrow and unique number.

Tube Ends:

GS:  Glass Sealed
GO:  Glass Open
SS:   Stainless Steel Open

Protective Tube Covers:

A:  6 mm OD x 70 mm length
B:  8 mm OD x 110 mm length
C:  10 mm OD x 150 mm length
D:  10 mm OD x 220 mm length and shorter tubes
P:   Low-volume PUF Tube Holder – Do not use an adjustable low flow holder
V:  OVS Tube Holder – Do not use an adjustable low flow holder


W:  Glass Wool
G:  Glass Fibre Filter
F:   Foam
N:   Nylon Ring
Q:   Quartz Filter
R:   Glass Spacer
S:   Screen
T:   PTFE Ring

Tenax GR Sorbent Tubes

Anasorb® GCB1 – Graphitised Carbon Black for sampling aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons and is equivalent to Carbotrap® B (20/40) and Carbopack B (60/80). This sorbent has proven to be valuable for sampling compounds of intermediate to high volatility.

Anasorb® GCB2 – Graphitised Carbon Black for sampling less volatile compounds. This sorbent has a low surface area and is equivalent to Carbotrap® C (20/40) and Carbopack C (60/80), and is useful in collecting semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs).

Note that thermally purged sorbent tubes are for immediate use in the field. Unpurged tubes are purged by a laboratory as needed.

Size (mm)
Sections Sorbent
Ends Tube
Separators Pack
Part Number
Tenax GR/Anasorb GCB1 (purged) ¼ x 3½ in  2 175/150  SS  B    SWS Each 226-348 ‡   §  
Tenax GR/Anasorb GCB1 (unpurged) ¼ x 3½ in  2 175/150 SS  B    SWS Each 226-348-UP ‡  §  
Tenax GR/Anasorb GCB1 (purged) ¼ x 3½ in  2 125/120 GO  B    WWW Each 226-345 ‡   §  
Tenax GR/Anasorb GCB1 (unpurged) ¼ x 3½ in  2 125/120 GO  B    WWW Each 226-345-UP  ‡   §  

Table Notes:

‡  Tubes are chemically conditioned before shipping; use within 6 months or recondition. Restocking fee applies.
§  Each tube has a flow direction arrow and unique number.

Tube Ends:

GS:  Glass Sealed
GO:  Glass Open
SS:   Stainless Steel Open

Protective Tube Covers:

A:  6 mm OD x 70 mm length
B:  8 mm OD x 110 mm length
C:  10 mm OD x 150 mm length
D:  10 mm OD x 220 mm length and shorter tubes
P:   Low-volume PUF Tube Holder – Do not use an adjustable low flow holder
V:  OVS Tube Holder – Do not use an adjustable low flow holder


W:  Glass Wool
G:  Glass Fibre Filter
F:   Foam
N:   Nylon Ring
Q:   Quartz Filter
R:   Glass Spacer
S:   Screen
T:   PTFE Ring